Wholeness is Healingness
No matter how my healing needs may manifest, I recognize them all as calls from my body and mind to return to an awareness of complete spiritual “wholeness”. The idea of “wholeness” operates at a level higher than “healing” because “healing” often includes a thought of a problem or diagnosis.
Accept wholeness and focus on that which is perfect—the power and presence of God within me. Speak words of affirmation that encourage wholeness. Give thanks for the wholeness that is always ready to be claimed.
Paying attention to my potential keeps me positive about whatever I may be called to face. I am not discouraged by apparent health challenges, understanding that they are conditions that affect only my human experience and are not the enduring truth of who I really am.
God's healing power moves through me. I am open and receptive to Its power within me and within my dear ones. I trust with absolute faith that God is greater than any worldly condition. I do not limit God in any respect. I listen to the still small voice within and feel guided along my earthly journey.
When a concern gets the better of me, I call forth the healing power of God. I spiritually surrender my concerns. When I pray for my dear ones, I do not focus on their condition. I see them as the divine beings that they are—completely whole, prosperous and spiritually perfect.
As I pray, I perceive God's healing presence moving through me and my beloveds. This presence is the wholeness beyond the illness, the abundance beyond insufficiency and the life in me. It is the truth of my life.
I cooperate with my wholeness. At any moment I may claim it and become restored to the awareness of my total wholeness. I keep this awareness alive; I give it energy. I further my wholeness by taking conscious, mindful care of my body and my mind.
I prioritize my needs by putting my health and wholeness first. I get enough sleep, make time for my spiritual practices and eat well. I care for myself by learning to say “no” if I simply don't have time or energy to give.
My life is my responsibility. I have the help I need. I co-create with God and cooperate with my healing. Spirit within guides me to care for myself and to know the truth that my divine nature is perfect wholeness.
I envision perfect life energy flowing throughout my body and mind. I have faith in the power continuously active in me. I envision perfect vibrant life energy flowing throughout my body—pulsing in every cell. I befriend my body. I generously praise my body's intelligence, strength and functioning.
Knowing that wholeness is my natural state, I take care to maintain the awareness of this divine blessing. I have the ability and responsibility to observe my thoughts and behavior patterns and I exercise this power in support of my well being. I use affirmative statements of faith. I consciously and lovingly behold my being—body, mind and soul—always in the sustaining flow of divine life. My faith has made me well.
“The wholeness of Divine Love blesses me now in all ways!”