Scout Law

Many adjectives around a man with outstretched arms.

The 12 Scout Laws

      Curated from the Scout Handbook by an Eagle Scout. 

Intending to build good character in individuals, the Scout Law is a set of guiding principles that scouts are asked to live by. It consists of the following 12 points, each describing a way for a person to act. These principles intend to guide humans to help make good choices and to become upstanding members their communities. What follows is not specifically designed for the current reader to become better at judging others, rather these rules are meant for internal use by the reader.


Tell the truth, keep promises and be dependable and reliable. Let the expectations of others be correct when they interact with you. Keep surprises to a minimum. Earn the trust of others because you are honorable.

Be steadfast and true-hearted to your family, friends, leaders, groups and your nation. Be firm in allegiance to a cause. Remain faithful, supportive and dedicated in all your activities—even in the face of challenges or temptations. Be a loyal friend through thick and thin.

Care about other people and willingly volunteer to work without
expecting payment, reward, or even attention. Be prepared to give support and assistance to achieve a goal. Pitch in. Be doing good deeds. Serve others.

Be a friend and a pleasant person for everyone. Be cordial, genial and polite. Be kind, pleasant, supportive and give good-will to others.

Be polite to everyone regardless of their age, appearance or situation. Be respectful, considerate, thoughtful and well-mannered. Speak softly in conversations. Use courteous gestures—hold the door open for someone.

Know there is amazing strength in being gentle and treat others as they wish to be treated. Act like an innocent child. Be compassionate, gentle and thoughtful. Send them spiritual love.

Follow the rules of the family, school, and group. Obey the laws of the community, tribe and country. Follow commands, comply with orders or requests. Behave, cooperate; do your duty.

Look on the bright side of life. Cheerfully accomplish your tasks. Be happy, optimistic, expect good. Look forward toward a good future. Smile. Promote feelings of well-being, wholeness, health and optimism. Do a good turn daily.

Work the way you like to. Pay your own way and help others. Save for the future and conserve natural resources. Drive with gentle braking. Seek value that is economical, frugal, moderate, minimizing and thrifty.

Face situations and opposition as needed even when you wish to avoid things. Stand for what is right. Be prepared with your own courage and have a strong heart.

Keep yourself, your house and mind fit and clean. Get a haircut. Keep your community clean. Run the vacuum cleaner on the floor and in the car. Wipe the counter, wash the dishes. Achieve spotless mirrors. Search out cobwebs. Wash, scrub, rewash, polish, shine. Take daily shower baths. Use the “shampoo, rinse, repeat” protocol. Keep clean things clean—very klean (sic.).

Show respect for the beliefs of others. Take the time to pray and meditate. Follow inspiration. Develop your personal beliefs. Attend groups and demonstrate your truth. Admire your choices. Experience silence. Enjoy a ceremony. Read for guidance and ideas. Grow. Show respect for the beliefs of others. Take the time to pray and meditate. Follow inspiration. Develop your personal beliefs. Attend groups and demonstrate your truth. Admire your choices. Experience silence. Enjoy a ceremony. Read for guidance and ideas. Grow. 
