The Revealing Word 2.0

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Some Metaphysical Definitions

by Unity Co-founder Charles Fillmore

The Revealing Word is a dictionary of terms used by Unity. Here is a second list of additional terms. (These entries have been curated for length and modern terminology.)

Fire: Material fire is a symbol; spiritual fire is the reality. The whole universe is alive with the divine living spiritual energy that consumes all the dross of sense and materialism. The fire is eternal; the dross is not.

Heart: The heart is love, the affectionate consciousness in all. It is the faculty through which one receives love from Being. Everyone uses their heart center when they send forth a loving thought or feeling. The word “heart” represents the subconscious mind. Notice the moving “h” in the spelling of “heart” and “earth”.

Meditation: Quiet, contemplative listening to the reality of the Absolute; a steady, spiritual effort of the mind to know God directly. The purpose of meditation is to expand the consciousness by the renewing of the mind.

Peace: Harmony and tranquility derived from awareness of the Christ consciousness. Affirmations of peace will harmonize the whole body structure and open the way to attainment of health conditions in mind and body.

Silence: A state of consciousness entered into for the purpose of being in touch with Divine Mind, so that the I AM of one’s self may listen to the “still small voice”. Go into the silence and enter the “secret place of the Most High.” Enter into the stillness and pray to God. Listen to God. Hear God.

Thinking: The formulating process of mind; a faculty of the ego; the omnipotent I AM within each one of us; your creative center. With this power a person builds their world. This faculty is the foundation upon which consciousness is built. Stand in the center of your being and say, “I and the Father are one.” Be still and know. The thinking faculty is obedient and does what it is told to do. We are rewarded with a multitude of new ideas.

Unity: Universal oneness in God; with all creation. The only real unity is in Spirit. It is found nowhere else. We make conscious unity with God first at the center of spirituality, this center having its basis of action in the top of the head. Establish unity with the Father-Mind by prayer. God's name is I AM; your name is I AM. Speak this name in the silence recognizing that it is God's name and your name. Establish conscious unity with God.

Voice: The faculty of utterance. It is the open door between the formless and the formed worlds of vibrations pertaining to the expression of sound. Every word that goes forth receives its specific character from this faculty. The voice is the most direct avenue of the outward expression of consciousness. Spirit in its “still small voice” uplifts every person who listens.

Youth: The natural estate of all humans. The buoyancy and joy of youth is cultivated enthusiastically as the years advance. The God idea of eternal youth can be found in the conscious mind. It may have become dormant and need to be awakened. Deny (only once) the belief in feebleness as the foolish fallacy of the race mind. Affirm and express the wondrous dynamic life of God and be young forever.
