Make Happiness a Habit

Pastel-colored shiny ballons of cheerfulness. Old rose background.

Make Happiness a Habit

What constitutes a life well-lived? What are the ingredients for lasting happiness? Studies identify predictors of health, happiness and flourishing in young adulthood and beyond. The major factor is the overriding importance of positive interpersonal relationships throughout a life span. Research shows that every aspect of your life—such as family, employment, mental health, physical health, views on life and views on politics and religion provides practical wisdom regarding the pursuit of happiness. You find a high concentration of these here at Unity.

Social fitness is known to be the key to mental health, physical health and longevity. Developing such skills enable one to cultivate and maintain important, positive connections to other people. These things are at least as important as proper nutrition, physical exercise, adequate sleep and the avoidance of harmful habits.

It is easy to take relationships for granted in today's individualistic and hyper-competitive society. An important part of social fitness is cognitive flexibility; exemplified by the capacity to see the world through another person's eyes. We are invited to practice expressing empathic understanding and to fully attend to others. Technologies like smartphones and social media, may seize our attention and keep us from attending to loved ones, to their and everyone’s detriment.

Choose to have positive relationships to experience upticks in one's mood. Brief positive interactions with strangers are beneficial for each person. Start a hobby of “collecting grins.” Learned interpersonal and emotional skills have become increasingly important in the view of an epidemic of loneliness and the associated remote work and schooling.

Loneliness is not solitude—it is perceived social isolation. People suffering the pain of loneliness are experiencing less positive social contact than they would like. Extroverts favor more social interaction than introverts but both types need interactions.

Ask someone for their personal opinion. See if there’s anything more to be done. Sometimes we have to step back and sometimes we have to step in. But never turn away. Children growing up and in seriously troubled families can flourish if they have at least one good relationship with an adult such as a teacher or a coach.

Happiness is not a destination or a goal to be achieved. It is not a state of being, but a process of becoming. The good life is not devoted to disappointments, failures and struggles. Buttress your situation by drawing on multiple sources of information and help.

Aristotle's concept of eudaimonia is distinct from hedonia. A eudaimonic life flourishes through purpose and meaning. A hedonic life is characterized by pleasure and joy. Happy people have their minds fixed on an objective rather than on their own happiness. The pursuit of happiness comes by focusing on the improvement of humankind. Pursue an art or improving things not as a means but as an ideal. Aim at something and find happiness as a side effect. Find out that there are many compatible souls in the world.

Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 25:21 His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
