"I AM" Ideas
Curated from A Parentheses In Eternity, by Joel Goldsmith, joelgoldsmith.com, 1963. Choose a few of the following ideas for your personal spiritual development and entertainment: (They are in alphabetical order.)
A tiny grain of sand can contain a great deal.
Abide in God—feel good.
After all the words have been used, “I” remains.
All scores are settled within.
Be receptive to Spirit.
Contact your source.
Do not confess outwardly, only confess inwardly.
Don't give up what you want to do, but rest with it sometimes.
Don't take anything too seriously.
Even if we say God—we are really saying “I”.
Feel your inner stirrings.
Forgive others because you are wise.
Go to God and know your inner strength.
God can be depended upon for everything.
God gave us Its name—God said, “I am that I am.”
God as “I” and me are one.
God helps you to keep going.
God gives freely and is my security.
God is to be found in everything.
God is, in me, and everywhere else.
Grace is free stuff.
I am content to relax and judge everything.
I am not just inside my body, I am everywhere.
I am the One who knows.
I feel a wonderful presence.
I have knowing in my heart.
I have plenty of spirituality to share.
I thought I was empty but I am full.
Go to the Kingdom of God and have a nice visit.
Let go, let God. Be silent, listen to God and hear.
Let there be a great unlimited revealing.
Let there be light, it's beautiful.
Loose the spirit. It is harmonious.
Messages come to you.
Moses used a password for the high priests--“I am”.
Only one word holds the secret of the ages—that word is “I”.
Open your source. Journey in your interior kingdom.
Our motives are not hidden from us.
Relax, knowing you have found God.
Release God into the world.
Return good for evil—for your own sake.
Seek within yourself—but not only within your physical body.
Stillness can be found quickly.
The deepest kind of prayer is a happy and pleasant smile.
The entire Kingdom of God is within, plan a visit.
The thinker is greater than any word that can be uttered
The word “God:” is not God—no word is all of God.
The word “I” means God—not the mind of me.
There is a deep pool of knowledge and awareness within you.
There is an “I” within us that is unknown.
Think about God as your real source.
Truth is comfortable.
Thunder-think in silence.
In a few days things will take place that never happened before.
We are actually invisible beings, simply appearing as form.
We do not advise God—It knows what to do.
We don't really need anything.
We have bumped into God.
We need not speak the “I” of God—we simply must hear it.
We thank God for our mind—it's our tool for choosing.
We will never be forsaken.
When you meditate, listen only for God.
You are what you are—that's it—no limit.
You know what to do; it has been given.
You may wish for financial peace—as “I” gives you spiritual peace.