Good to Great

28 black silhouettes of superhuman men and women on gray.

Be a Super-person

Inspired by Rev. Robin Volker.

Jim Collins begins his bestselling book, Good to Great, with this sentence: “Good is the enemy of great.” Whoa! (On further study he probably was saying, “Just good enough and no more is the enemy of real greatness.” This simple yet astounding idea shook the business world and should shake us all from our complacency. Why do we think that a good life is the only destination? What about a GREAT life? Yes! The book is business-focused, but we are all in our own businesses providing growth and services for ourselves and others.

Start here:

Radical change is not needed.

Think differently about your roles.

Utilize your imagination.

Practice creativity.

Expect the alchemy of great results.

Achieve unusual competence.

If you have pretty good health, it's cool to be okay with that… but what about welcoming GREAT health? Perhaps your relationships are so/so or only pretty good. That's good news. But do you deserve relationships that are deeply and passionately fulfilling? Yes, of course you do!

When it comes to finances, perhaps you earn a good income for doing good work. Yet at the end of the day, do you feel like you have been “carrying rocks” simply to please somebody? Perhaps you have said, “There has to be more to everything than this.”

Let's think about you. Draw a picture with me, in your mind. Choose and imagine; any element of your life such as health, wealth, relationships, work. Now think of it as a continuous horizontal line, and let's call the middle place “good.” This is your place of equilibrium.

Now let's add to your imaginary picture: Everything to the left on the line is the experience of less than good. For every experience on this left side, something is missing or out of balance: symptoms of ill health; strained or cool relationships at home; not enough money, or as a rural friend said recently, “More days than can be found in a sausage.”

To the right on the spectrum is a measure of everything that is better than good. This is the venue of excellent health with energy and abundant vitality of life. Safe and meaningful relationships bring abundant joy into your life. It is the place of extra money and time to do whatever your heart desires.

Is living on this “Better Than Good” side of the scale only for a "lucky" few? This is a life that can be created by us all, when we learn to work with a handful of basic, special principles. Fresh ideas and a new approach can open the way for us to explore possibilities and our unlimited potential.

Jim Collins identifies a “Good to Great” performance pattern for companies—giant and small. You may lock on to this “Good to Great” pattern for your life? You can reap the results of enjoying your full and awesome potential!

In short: You can live a GREAT life? What would make it a great life for you? All that is needed to begin this process is for you to THINK. (Unity Principle #3.) You are hereby invited to RE-THINK as you like.

Good start, you are on the path now—much more success.
