By Rev. Hypatia Hasbrouck
We can use a positive prayer technique that combines visualization of light in an affected body area along with the release of any unforgiving thoughts and feelings.
Here are some techniques to release unforgiving thoughts and feelings. The negative thoughts and feelings associated with the lack of forgiveness have deleterious effects upon our physical bodies. But we are not always aware that we are harboring unforgiving thoughts and feelings because many of them may be buried in the subconscious memory bank.
1. Assume a comfortable, relaxed position, either sitting or lying down.
2. Affirm three times, aloud or silently, resting quietly a few moments between declarations: “God is the life within me.”
3. Affirm three times, aloud or silently, resting quietly a few moments between declarations: “I now release every recognized or unrecognized feeling of fear, resentment, condemnation, envy, distrust, hate, or any other negative feeling or thought, about myself or others or anything I or they may have said, thought, or done. I forgive myself and others for everything, and I love and bless myself and everyone else.”
4. Affirm three times, aloud or silently, resting quietly a few moments between declarations: “Divine love now dissolves and dissipates every wrong condition in my mind, body, and relationships.”
5. Now visualize in detail and in color the most beautiful, peaceful scene you can. Bring all your senses to play and let the feeling of complete oneness with God and the universe fill your being. Feel yourself melting into the scene.
6. Gradually let the feeling become light that is going through your circulatory and nervous systems. See the light flowing into every dark corner. Use white light or a specific color, or simply allow the light to be the color determined by your subconscious mind. If there is a specific body area that needs healing, gradually concentrate the light there and let it remain as long as required.
7. Gradually withdraw attention from the light as you affirm three times, aloud or silently, resting quietly a few moments between declarations: “God is life. I am one with God. I am one with life. Thank You, God, for perfect life. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ, the Great Physician.” Amen. Rest quietly and without conscious thought for at least a minute.
Of course, you may use affirmations of your own that have the same meanings as those given in these instructions. Repeating affirmations three times adds power to the statements. It is as if you are speaking to all of your levels of consciousness. The words do not matter so long as they help you to release any unforgiving thoughts or feelings that may have blocked the free flow of the healing love and life of God.