Be Calm With Your Computer

Image of a brightly colored Hawaiian flower on a laptop screen.

Be Calm with Your Computer

Be calm with your computer and everything else. Computers have been annoying users with failure messages—lots of them in some cases but be advised that these errors may be nothing to worry about. Keeping in mind that the Universe is friendly, in fact messages could engender confidence.

Computer updates are often sent out. They can cause installation failures for a range of system changes. Those failures are accompanied by an ‘0xX00X0X0X’ error. (The “X” is usually an Arabic numeral.) which isn’t very helpful, failing to inform the user of what may be wrong. Who does it inform; not me? Hmm. Answer: Computer company service techs. Whether or not you can get them on the phone, or even in chat, is yet another challenge. Question: Why do we let computer nerds write our software? 

The good news is that our computer company watches over us, and apparently there’s nothing to fret about, at least according to them. The latest reports say that error messages shouldn’t impact your general usage. “A recent error probably showed up because the problem had already been solved.” Sure!

OK, yes, being spammed with errors is seriously unnerving. But also know that the error might only indicate that the attempted installation of a new update was unsuccessful and the message itself was an error. Truth students, like you, know that a possible error message could itself be an error. This sounds negative at first but actually may indicate a success. The only negative impact of such a bug, then, is seeing the installation failure errors themselves. There are no ramifications beyond that, so your computer may not be affected in the slightest.

OK (again) the tiniest room for a sliver of doubt remains, perhaps. Now let’s talk about faith. But wait, let’s start with fear. What is fear exactly? How about defining fear as “faith that things will go wrong”?

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, as it was the substance of things which have come to pass; and it is the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. (Aramaic Bible Version)

A person was recently overheard wondering out loud... “What in the world is Practical Christianity anyhow?” Practical Christianity means practicing your “Love-Grow-Serve” ethics during the weekdays and not just on Sunday. A person could read the Daily Word for a daily dose of goodness. Or have pleasant thoughts and love your computer as much as possible thus manifesting the idea of being a pleasant Christian person on a daily basis.

Here are some “earthly” thoughts:

Plan A: Do not look up the error codes.

Plan B: Reboot your computer.

Plan C: Turn your computer off for 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

Plan D: Check your utility bills. Is the power still on? Is the computer plugged in?

Plan E: Repeat all of the above for your Wi-Fi modem and router.

Plan F: Try everything again. (This one actually works.)

Plan G: Try simply ignoring the computer errors and notice how many of them go away on their own. Can you still use your computer? If so, you win!

Plan H: Look up your password if you don’t remember it.

Plan I: Switch to paper billing.

Plan J: Use regular intelligence, not artificial—it’s artificial.

Plan K: Switch to the Hebrew alphabet.

Plan L: Pray.

Plan M: Call Silent Unity.

Plan N: Send a generous donation [grin].

Be lighthearted about your situation and be confident that the Universe will continue to monitor the situation in any case and make corrections for us all even when we are not looking. Know that this is a friendly place… especially if we think so! 
