Spring Equinox, 2024

Haiku is a Japanese “poetic” form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Rhyming is not required. The brevity of haiku allows it to evoke a definite, though unstated, emotional response with rich imagery and profound emotions. It first emerged in Japanese literature during the 17th century as a reaction to elaborate poetic traditions. It is the most popular form of Japanese poetry and is, in effect, simple word pictures. These below recall a Pub Theology meeting. 

19 Haiku


Childhood’s memory, wild and free—

Structured play begins.


Hearing starts anew,

Words are found one at a time—

The path weaves the tale.


Water’s humble flow.

Teacups clink, stories unfold—

Spring's kiss from lager.


Liquid fruit we savor,

Miracle in vineyard’s feast—

Buds are unfurling.


Eyes meet, hearts ignite,

Laughter dances, souls entwine—

In-person bliss begins.


Bar-stool sermons bloom,

Soulful musings blend with drink—

And ancient readings.


Sacred dialogue,

Silent words bridge hearts and minds—

Whispers of the soul.


Alternate scriptures,

Hidden wisdom in the text—

Metaphysical truths.


Wings spread in twilight,

Soulful tales blend with stout belief—

Dragon owns the night.


In quiet stillness,

Meditation finds its voice—

Silence speaks louder.


Sacred paths converge,

Wisdom is in ancient scrolls—

Bethology's light.


Shoulda, coulda, woulda,

In between two slices—life,

A sandwich of dreams.


Shared words, souls ignite,

Silent bonds weave hearts together—

Camaraderie too.


In tiny phrases,

Lessons pass from heart to heart—

Silent teachers speak.


Describing beliefs,

Calligraphy on paper skin—

Focus sees anew.


Wounds heal, hearts unbind,

Resentment yields to grace's touch—

Forgiveness sprouts forth.


Wholeness unfurls,

Roots deep in nature’s embrace—

Cherry blossoms bloom.


Embrace connections,

Kindness grows, unseen but felt—

Best in others shines.


Many paths converge,

Wisdom gains in shared regard—

Unity in thought.
