Use No Words

Four black smoothed stones stacked in front of bamboo trunks

By Rev. Sandra Campbell

As a communications major in college, one of the first things I studied was communications theory. One theory by a noted philosopher in the field is that “one cannot NOT communicate.” Take a moment for that to sink in!

In the same way, one cannot NOT pray. Just as we are still sending a message when we are silent, I’ve learned that when we are NOT speaking, we are still praying. Our prayers are as constant and fruitful as our thoughts. This includes thoughts about things to avoid. We now know that even negative thoughts attract.

As scripture reminds us, “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). Some people believe prayers must be wordy, loud, and beseeching—for God to hear them. When I was young, I listened with curiosity as preachers and other adults raised their voices to God to give them this or change that. I could never bring myself to pray in that way. I somehow knew that we did not need to utter a word for our prayers to be heard.

My mother taught me to say grace before every meal. It was rare that she started eating before she had given thanks to God and for the hands that prepared the meal. When she forgot to say grace, I remind her that she already prayed without uttering a word.

One of my earliest experiences of praying in silence followed the death of my 2-year-old son more than four decades ago. For a time, I was utterly speechless as I struggled to find words to ease my sorrow. I would sit in silence for what seemed like hours, waiting and hoping for answers.

Without realizing it, I was following the steps Jesus laid out when the disciples asked him how to pray. “But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:6-8)

Now I consciously begin my daily prayer time by centering on my breathing to quiet my busy mind and relax my body. I close my eyes and repeat one of my affirmations that help to ground me, such as: I am poised and centered in the Christ mind, I focus on the deep, calm peace of my soul.

I breathe deeply as I begin to feel relaxed and centered. Following the natural rise and fall of my breath, I sit quietly and listen. When thoughts invade my peace, I gently return my attention to my breathing. I am in my inner room with the door closed to all outer distractions. Here is where I listen and I wait in the Silence. When I feel ready, I return my attention to my breathing, open my eyes, and express gratitude for a precious time of sacred communion. I feel quiet, poised and centered again. 
